Monday, January 31, 2011

Disability in Baroque Portraiture V: José de Ribera 1591-1652)

Also known as il "Spañoletto" this painter born in Xátiva, Valencia in 1591 developed most of his career in Naples. His style, deeply influenced by Caravaggio, is based on the heavy use of chiaroscuro. We are presenting here two works of him belonging his middle period period: la mujer barbuda (1632) and El tacto (1631)
Melania Moscoso, 2011 ©

Creative Commons License
This obra by Representations of Disability in Spanish Baroque Portraiture:Velazquez´s jesters is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 Estados Unidos License.
Based on a work at

1 comment:

ACdR said...

Pero no se ve nada... ¿dónde están los cuadros?